If you’ve been hearing more and more about “lab-on-a-chip” technology recently, it’s for good reason. These devices can be used to mimic organs, perhaps replace animal models in biomedical research, but ultimately,…
A “self-stirring” pill enhances drug bioavailability
Self-propelling microparticles enhance the dissolution of drugs in the stomach, achieving better bioavailability without the side effects of high dosing. The majority of drugs we take are administered orally, and while this…
Mixing COVID-19 vaccines might boost immunity
Emerging data from trials exploring mixing different types of vaccines demonstrate the practice is safe and could boost immunity. Image credit: Mat Napo on Unsplash Since the first COVID-19 vaccines became available…
3D printing lays the foundation for a new range of diagnostic tests
A new 3D-printing technique makes rapid self-tests based on lateral flow technology less expensive and easier to scale. Image credit: Ameloot Group The current COVID-19 pandemic has made the need for rapid…
3D-bioprinted breast cancer to understand tumor growth and spread
A prototype platform allows researchers to culture and study tumor growth in new detail. 3D bioprinted breast cancer tumors (green) and supportive microenvironments (purple) to better understand how they interact with one…
Invisible codes help robots make sense of their environment
Our relationship with robots is a complicated one: in general, we don’t seem to completely trust them, though they have obvious benefits and do make our lives easier. The issue is of…
Measuring computers’ carbon footprint with “Green Algorithms”
Image credit: Markus Spiske on Unsplash What strategies come to mind when we’re asked to think about cutting greenhouse gas emissions? Moving to renewable energy sources? Eliminating our dependence on carbon-based fuels?…
Do masks need to be worn outdoors?
Though risk is lower, researchers debate whether people should be encouraged to wear masks outdoors or should efforts instead focus on reducing indoor transmission? Image credit: Gabriella Clare Marino on Unsplash While…
Polls indicate pausing the J&J vaccine was the right decision
While numbers indicate that the risks of COVID-19 still outweigh potential vaccine side effects, the current pause in vaccine distribution demonstrate the system is working and the public is onboard. Image credit:…
Underwater volcanoes unleash enough energy to power a continent
Scientists are closer to understanding the formation of underwater megaplumes, large and powerful columns of heated water rising from the ocean floor. West Mato Volcano erupting in 2009. Image credit: the National…