Study claims nasal delivery protects first site of infection and produces widespread immune response compared to intramuscular injection. Healthy and infected lung tissue. Image source: Hassan et al. A new study carried…
Author: Carolyn Gramling
Geoff Ozin — Small materials with a big impact
When you first started out, you were working as a materials chemist. How did you get involved in “nanochemistry”? I literally stumbled into the research area and helped provide the foundation of…
A new design for better redox flow batteries
A new design for vanadium redox flow batteries could help fundamental research and accelerate commercialization of this energy storage technology. Within the realm of energy storage, redox flow batteries, in which energy…
Selective cross-coupling of reactive lithium compounds made possible
A new catalyst facilitates the first general protocol for the cross-coupling of aryl chlorides and reactive organolithium reagents. Image credit: RUB, Marquard Within the realm of synthetic chemistry, the formation of carbon-carbon…
TikTok is being overlooked as a tool for COVID-19 guidance
Research reveals regrettably little health information in coronavirus-tagged videos. Image credit: Amanda Vicky on Unsplash The latest new social media platform, TikTok, has soared in popularity since its 2018 debut, with roughly…
Reusable face masks that kill pathogens
Researchers develop a reusable filter paper made from titanium dioxide nanowires that is capable of trapping and killing pathogens like the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Personal protective equipment is proving essential in slowing the…
Carbon capture using processed milk
Researchers have created a high performance and selective activated carbon from the dairy industry’s excess milk for scalable carbon capture. Image credit: Alaina McLearnon on Unsplash Rising greenhouse gas emissions are contributing…
Ammonia “mushballs” drive Jupiter’s exotic lightening
Ammonia sparks unexpected shallow lightening on Jupiter. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS/Kevin M. Gill Observations made by NASA’s Juno mission have revealed that Jupiter’s atmosphere is more complex than scientists first anticipated. A new…
Scientists discover new penguin colonies from space
Guano stains on sea ice reveal 11 new emperor penguin colonies in Antarctica. Image credit: Ian Park Unsplash Satellite images collected using a new mapping technology have revealed 11 new emperor penguin…
Hybrid hydrogel paves the way for viable tissue engineering
Scientists apply a versatile new strategy to develop solid−hydrogel hybrid materials to regrow tissue. Over the past two decades hydrogels have become a popular material in areas of regenerative medicine, such as…